Nov. 27, 2022, 2:13 p.m. | Tagged under Psychology, Philosophy, autism

(Recent clients: P&G, Hubspot, Argenta, Nexxworks etc.)
(For other neurodiversity-related work, look here)

My mission is to help create an environment where neurodiverse people like me feel it's "safe" to stay true to who they are, where they know their different brain is valued for it's power and it is not something to be ashamed of. Unfortunately, we can't just do this by hanging an inspirational quote on the wall.

Why? I grew up myself unaware of how I processed things differently. Luckily, I was able to fit in by slowly cutting pieces of my authentic self (why be happy if you can be "normal" right?). However this has given me some hard-won wisdom, which I now try to convey in my keynote. I support this with insights/analogies coming from my work in AI/genetics.

I try to bring awareness and a deeper understanding about:
- how every organization has (undisclosed) neurodiverse employees, and that "normality really is an illusion"
- that from an evolutionary perspective, "different brains" have been key for human inventiveness, and made some companies (e.g. in SFO) really flourish
- the many ways somebody might process information (and behave) "differently", using analogies from my work with AI (and, why you should't be insulted if I don't pass on your "greetings")
- the strengths this cognitive power can bring, and how this might have driven the innovation in technology (and why you wouldn't have your fancy iPhone without it).
- the bias I meet too often (no, I can not draw a city after viewing it from a helicopter)

I also share my hard-won wisdom on how to work with or manage "difficult people" like me, and not waste their talents.

Often, people recognise themselves, or somebody they know, in my story. That's why I also share in a slightly melodramatic way:
- how my road to insanity was paved with "just doing my best and hiding it"
- how getting a "label" (excuse my language) brought hope and self-love again
- some evidence-based wisdom on what made me reconnect with somebody I lost a long time ago, myself: a bike trip and a psychedelic jungle plant

Here's an excerpt (more info below):

Most importantly, I put my awkwardness to good use, and bring this heavy topic with an overly silly sense of humor. Ironically, I'm even told I'm "highly-engaging", as you can see in the testimonials below: